Book Blogger Hop 7.29.11

It’s been awhile since I stopped by the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy-For-Books.

This week’s prompt:

“Highlight one book you have received this week (for review, from the library, purchased at the store, etc.) that you can’t wait to dig into!”

I just checked out The House of Dead Maids by Clare B. Dunkle from my library. I loved The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy by this author and sought out more of her work.

This novel is a prequel to Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, narrated by Tabby Aykroyd, nursemaid to young Heathcliff. I can’t wait to discover what Dunkle has added to the classic tale.

It’s described as “YA fantasy horror.” I don’t read much horror. I hope I can handle it!