Follow Friday 2.25.11

Follow Friday is a weekly hop hosted at Parajunkee’s View. Visit to find new reads and book bloggers!

This week: Share your current fav television show! Tell us a bit about it…

My answer: The “current” part makes me smile. I am not current at all when it comes to TV shows. I don’t even have cable. I use Netflix streaming to watch shows that are past their prime.

I’ve been watching the second season of Veronica Mars, originally aired in 2005. Veronica Mars is the teen daughter of a private investigator that also solves mysteries in Neptune, a rich and corrupt California city. After the death of her best friend, Veronica is alternately shunned and tormented by the popular kids. However, she doesn’t sit back take the abuse; she fights back with her wits. What I really like about this show is that the characters aren’t predictable. A rotten character can surprise us with a good deed or a favorite can do something despicable. I’m three episodes away from the wrap up of the overarching mystery of season two.

I’m also a fan of The Office, but I liked the earlier seasons better than the more recent ones. And how will the show go on without Steve Carell?

My friends have been recommending Dexter, so I’ll try to watch that soon. I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to blood and gore, but they assure me that I can handle it. We’ll see!